Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Elephant in the Breast Cancer Room

Not so much an elephant anymore, because a lot of people are coming to realize just how hard Komen sucks. But not enough people realize that yet. It's still picking up steam.

First, they yoinked support from Planned Parenthood, which provides a full range of health care for women, including those below poverty level. Some PP clinics were even able to offer these services for free to women who couldn't otherwise afford them. These services included life-sparing early detection procedures for cancer.

They also have a history of suing anyone and anything they suspect might be infringing on their "copyright". They're not raising awareness for breast cancer and funding research. They're running a pinkwashing business and raking it in at the cost of lives.

Now, they're stealing someone else's campaign, and pinkwashing it into another cutesy movement, and throwing the lives of those who are dying under the bus in the process.

In 2012, METAvivor started The Elephant in the Pink Room campaign, to combat the pinkwashing and bring awareness and attention to the 30% of us with Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Now Komen has teamed up with Kohl's to bring us the Pink Elephant campaign. Because we apparently don't talk about Breast Cancer enough. Apparently we don't have enough Awareness. We need to Talk About Breast Cancer. And in the process, let's overlook those 30% of women while stealing their campaign because dying is, you know, just so depressing.

There's been other blog entries, a lot of them, about this travesty, and I cannot recommend strongly enough that you go read them.

Komen and Kohl's had a social network hashtag for this campaign: #TalkPink. The #bcsm on Twitter is doing their own Occupy Hashtag, dragging it into the metastasis mud and bringing awareness while keeping the spotlight on the douchebaggery of these two businesses.

Keep getting the word out. Boycott Kohl's until they drop the campaign. Defund Komen and run them out of town.

And support METAvivor, which has issued an awesome rebuttal letter to Kohl's over this incident.

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